2.1 Create culture of learning

2.1 Create a Classroom/Community Culture of Learning This standard requires the teacher to create a learning environment in which students feel safe and valued.  Respect and rapport are observable through teachers’ verbal and nonverbal behavior.   The teacher conveys enthusiasm for the subject, letting students know that they are pursuing this knowledge because it’s important, interesting, and fun, as opposed to learning something because it will be on the state test.  The teacher also communicates to students that although the content is challenging, it is within the reach of any student committed to working hard.  In such a learning environment, students respond by taking pride in their work and experience the feeling of satisfaction that comes from having achieved major goals.

A.     Value of effort and challenge
Considerations for Practice at Level II
Share the learning goal and explain the lesson’s importance and purpose.
You might want to share some of your own personal learning challenges, such as a new teaching strategy you’re trying, a book you’ve read, or a peer observation with a colleague.
Display charts and posters that convey high expectations.  Display the Attributes of a Scholar.
Use a voice inflections and body language that convey enthusiasm for the learning.
Provide opportunities for students to choose their own projects and methods for demonstrating their learning.
Considerations for Practice at Level IV
Students conduct research related to the current topic and share their results with each other.
Students develop questions related to the current topic and ask these questions of each other as they share their findings.
Students articulate the learning goal and can explain to each other why it is important.
Students’ voice inflection and body language convey enthusiasm for the learning.
Students identify the attributes of a scholar in each other and in themselves.
Students post relevant, high-quality work on a designated bulletin board.
Students take advantage of opportunities to choose their own projects and show individualism and creativity in their methods of demonstrating their learning.

Attributes of a Scholar
Standards that Matter Most
Behavior and Cognitive Engagement

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